Radio-Choreography: Acts of Transmission, 21.06-01.09. 2024, Badischer Kunsverein
Performative Sound Exhibition
Radio (non-)Conference#2_Athens! June 1st 2024
Broadcasting from Onassis AiR Athens, live on Stegi.Radio and
Radio-Choreography: Voices from the Verge, August 26. 2023.
a special episode for Voice Over#2, a performative gathering at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin, curated by Maayan Sheleff.
Radio-Choreogrphies at RADIOPHRENIA, August 22. 2023.
a temporary art radio station broadcasting from the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow.
Discussing Radio-Choreography: Passaging with Katrin Hauk
listen to Katrins Klangschiene Special broadcasts on May 28th at 5 pm & June 2nd at 9 pm, Radio Orange 94.0.
Radio-Choreographies on WDR! Saturday, April 29. 2023.
You may listen at 23:00 CET on the WDR 3 frequencies across North Rhine Westphalia online.

Radio-Choreography Lecture Performance, Saturday, April 29. 2023, at the ZZT / Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.
as part of the RELAY Symposium – Thinking Artistic Material in Music and Dance.
Radio-Choreography at the Composers’ Workshop at Cambridge University, March 6. 2023.
Invitation by Prof. Marta Gentilucci
Iris Lana in conversation with Netta Weiser | Seminar Hakibutzim Collage, Tel Aviv, December 27. 2022.
As part of A Point. For Thought discourse program of the Seminar Hakibutzim dance department. In person and via Zoom!
Transmitting the Archive: Minor Cosmopolitan Spaces and Erased Histories | silent green Kulturquartier, Berlin, November 10. 2022.
Panel discussion as part of The Minor Cosmopolitan Assembly. With Netta Weiser, Anandita Bajpai, and Promona Sengupta, moderated by Tori Sinanan, organized by Priyam Goswami Choudhury.
Radio (non)Konferenz I, As part of the KONTAKTE Festival for Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, September 25. 2022.
Broadcasting from the Studio for Electroacoustic Music of the Akademie der Künste, live on 88.4 MHz in Berlin, 90.4 in Potsdam and online.
Radio-Choreography: Hereafter, world premiere! KONTAKTE Festival for Electroacoustic Music and Sound Art at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, September 23. 2022.
Multichannel Sound Performance by Netta Weiser, with compositions by Azadeh Nilchiani, Marta Gentilucci and Netta Weiser.
Radio-Choreography at the Tanzquartier Wien Annual Magazin!
When Radio-Choreography is Calling. A Response. Article by Performatorium (Olivia Jaques / Marlies Surtmann) on Radio-Choreography Episode 4.
Radio-Choreography: Season Finale Episode, Into Thin Air, Performing Arts Festival Berlin, 28.05.2022
Broadcasting the entire collection of radio-choreogrphies from the Media Library for Dance and Theater, live on Special guests: Nora Amin, Rike Flämig, Christine Henniger.
Radio-Choreography: Episode 4. For The Time Being, Vienna, 02.04,2022
Performing at Tanzquartier Wien, broadcasting live on ORANGE 94.0, Public Listening Event at Tonspur Passage, Micro Sound Museum at MQ. Special guest Eva Maria Schaller.
Andere Stimmen hören, Felicitas Braun im Gespräch mit Netta Weiser, Radio ORANGE 94.0, 28.03.2022
Netta Weiser spricht über ihre „Radio Choreographies“. Die 4. Episode ihres Projekts wird im Tanzquartier Wien stattfinden und gleichzeitig in der Tonpassage im MQ und auf Radio Orange 94.0 zu hören sein.
Choreographies of Listening, intensive workshop at Tanzquartier Wien, 26.03.2022
This workshop explores the somatic, performative, and political implications of collective listening. How can the act of listening become a performative mode? How can the transitions between looking at and listening to affect our ecologies of attention and being in the world?
Radio-Choreography at EM4 – sample&hold concert, Akademie der Künste, 17.11.2021
During April and May 2021 Weiser was an artist in residence at the Studio for Electroacoustic Music of the AdK, together with two other fellows, this concerts present the results of the fellowship.
The Chair Dance / chamber version at Villa Medici Rome, Note Bianca 04.11.2021
Netta Weiser and Marta Gentilucci perform a special live adaptation of the Chair Dance, with a historical chair from the Villa!!
Radio-Choreography: episode 3. Haunting the Archive, Cologne, 03.12.2021.
Performing at the Dance Museum of the Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln, broadcasting live on, Public Listening Event at GOLD+BETON Gallery.
Radio-Choreography: episode 2. Closer Than it Seems, Tel-Aviv, 09.10.2021
The opening performance of the Diver Festival for Contemporary Dance!