Radio-Choreography Season 1
Broadcasting live from dance archives in Berlin, Cologne, Tel Aviv and Vienna, 2021-2022.
The first season of Radio-Choreography operated as a radiophonic dance archive focusing on dance practices that were created by female choreographers during times of migration and border crossing. As result of a comprehensive research process which included dialogue with contemporary choreographers, archival research, development of sound recording methodologies and compositional strategies; we created a collection of “radiophonic documentations” to dance practices from different times and places; for example: between Beirut and Berlin (2019), Tehran- Vienna (2021), Hamburg-Berlin-Athens (1913), Cottbus-Cologne (1990), Vienna-East-Berlin (1937).
In 2021-2022 the collection of radio-choreographies was broadcasted as a series of 5 site-specific “radio-performances”, presented in Berlin, Cologne Tel-Aviv and Vienna; each event included a collaboration between a local radio station, a dance institution and an art venue which hosted a Public Listening Event.
Radio-Choreography Season 1
Broadcasting live from dance archives in Berlin, Cologne, Tel Aviv and Vienna, 2021-2022.
The first season of Radio-Choreography operated as a radiophonic dance archive focusing on dance practices that were created by female choreographers during times of migration and border crossing. As result of a comprehensive research process which included dialogue with contemporary choreographers, archival research, development of sound recording methodologies and compositional strategies; we created a collection of “radiophonic documentations” to dance practices from different times and places; for example: between Beirut and Berlin (2019), Tehran- Vienna (2021), Hamburg-Berlin-Athens (1913), Cottbus-Cologne (1990), Vienna-East-Berlin (1937).
In 2021-2022 the collection of radio-choreographies was broadcasted as a series of 5 site-specific “radio-performances”, presented in Berlin, Cologne Tel-Aviv and Vienna; each event included a collaboration between a local radio station, a dance institution and an art venue which hosted a Public Listening Event.
Episode 1. Comings and Goings, Berlin
Performed at The ITI/ Media Library for Dance and Theater, broadcasted live on, Public Listening Event at Tanznacht Festival.
The first episode focused on dance works related to the city of Berlin, including sounds from Beirut, voices from Athens and documents from the German Dance Archives Cologne.
Guest: Elena Ferri.
July 24. 2021
Episode 1. Comings and Goings, Berlin
Performed at The ITI/ Media Library for Dance and Theater, broadcasted live on, Public Listening Event at Tanznacht Festival. July 24. 2021.
The first episode focused on dance works related to the city of Berlin, including sounds from Beirut, voices from Athens and documents from the German Dance Archives Cologne.
Guest: Elena Ferri.
Episode 2. Closer than it Seems, Tel-Aviv
Performed at The Beit Ariela Dance Archive, broadcasted live on Radio HALAS, Public Listening Event at The Israeli Center for Digital Art.
The show was the opening performance of the Diver Festival for Contemporary Dance.
The second episode aimed to imagine a Mediterranean dance history. Including radiophonic reenactment of a stone eating choreography originally performed in Tel Aviv 1998, sounds from Beirut and voices from Athens.
Guest: Ruth Ziv-Ayal.
October 9. 2021
Episode 2. Closer than it Seems, Tel-Aviv
Performed at The Beit Ariela Dance Archive, broadcasted live on Radio HALAS, Public Listening Event at The Israeli Center for Digital Art, October 9. 2021.
The show was the opening performance of the Diver Festival for Contemporary Dance.
The second episode aimed to imagine a Mediterranean dance history. Including radiophonic reenactment of a stone eating choreography originally performed in Tel Aviv 1998, sounds from Beirut and voices from Athens.
Guest: Ruth Ziv-Ayal.
Episode 3. Haunting the Archive, Cologne
Performed at the Dance Museum of the Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln, broadcasted live on, Public Listening Event at GOLD+BETON Gallery.
Following a research period, on the second episode we returned to the German Dance Archive Cologne, and made it vibrate with unheard voices and invisible bodies from the margin of the archive.
Guest: Christel Dreiling.
December 3. 2021

Episode 3. Haunting the Archive, Cologne
Performed at the Dance Museum of the Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln, broadcasted live on, Public Listening Event at GOLD+BETON Gallery, December 3. 2021.
Following a research period, on the second episode we returned to the German Dance Archive Cologne, and made it vibrate with unheard voices and invisible bodies from the margin of the archive.
Guest: Christel Dreiling.

Episode 4. For the Time Being, Vienna
Performed at Tanzquartier Wien, broadcasted live on radio Orange 94., Public Listening Event took place at Tonspur _ micro sound museum at MQ.
The fourth episode weaved a female genealogy of unsettled Viennese choreographers.
Guest: Eva-Maria Schaller.
April 2. 2022
Episode 4. For the Time Being, Vienna
Performed at Tanzquartier Wien, broadcasted live on radio Orange 94., Public Listening Event took place at Tonspur _ micro sound museum at MQ, April 2. 2022
The fourth episode weaved a female genealogy of unsettled Viennese choreographers.
Guest: Eva-Maria Schaller.

Season Finale, Into Thin Air, Berlin
Performed at The ITI/ Media Library for Dance, broadcasted live on, presented in the frame of the Performing Arts Festival Berlin.
In the season finale episode, presented in the frame of the Performing Arts Festival Berlin, we broadcasted the entire collection of radio choreographies including special guests and live discussions.
Guests: Nora Amin, Rike Flämig, Christine Henniger.
May 28. 2022
Season Finale, Into Thin Air, Berlin
Performed at The ITI/ Media Library for Dance, broadcasted live on, presented in the frame of the Performing Arts Festival Berlin, May 28. 2022.
In the season finale episode, presented in the frame of the Performing Arts Festival Berlin, we broadcasted the entire collection of radio choreographies including special guests and live discussions.
Guests: Nora Amin, Rike Flämig, Christine Henniger.
Artistic Director and performer: Netta Weiser, Historical input and archival research: Anna Leon, Miriam Althammer, Christine Henniger, Dramaturgy: Fransien Van der Putt, Anna Leon, Composers/Sound artists: Marta Gentilucci, Azadeh Nilchiani, Miriam Schickler, Netta Weiser, Andrei Cucu. Performers: Dominique Tegho, Sharazad Nazarpur, Tehila Nini Goldstein, Michaela Catranis, Christel Dreiling Somatic research: Mira Hirtz.
In cooperation with: the ITI/Media Library for Dance and Theatre Co-production by Tanznacht Berlin, Diver Festival Tel-Aviv. Supported by: The Studio for Electroacoustic Music of the Akademie der Künste, Funded by: Kunststiftung NRW, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Mifal HaPais Council for the Culture and Arts, NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Assistance Program for Dance.
Artistic Director and performer: Netta Weiser, Historical input and archival research: Anna Leon, Miriam Althammer, Christine Henniger, Dramaturgy: Fransien Van der Putt, Anna Leon, Composers/Sound artists: Marta Gentilucci, Azadeh Nilchiani, Miriam Schickler, Netta Weiser, Andrei Cucu. Performers: Dominique Tegho, Sharazad Nazarpur, Tehila Nini Goldstein, Michaela Catranis, Christel Dreiling Somatic research: Mira Hirtz.
In cooperation with: the ITI/Media Library for Dance and Theatre Co-production by Tanznacht Berlin, Diver Festival Tel-Aviv.
Supported by: The Studio for Electroacoustic Music of the Akademie der Künste, Funded by: Kunststiftung NRW, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Mifal HaPais Council for the Culture and Arts, NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK – STEPPING OUT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Assistance Program for Dance.